What Do You Want?

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.


The latest pod is ready for your listening pleasure! This one is on establishing what it is you want.

This pod is for you if:

  • You would like to understand your wants on a more conscious level
  • You have struggled to identify what you want and have suffered consequences as a result
  • You struggle to identify what other people want and that causes a whole lot of hassle

This pod is not for you if:

  • You believe that even if you knew, truly no one really cares what you want
  • You know that no-one really gets what they want
  • You’ve tried to tell people what you want and they don’t get it, so what’s the point?

We continue our journey with an overview of What Do You Want?, as featured in my blog of the same name. Some key points include:

  • What is want?
  • How to know what you want
  • Start with what you don’t want
  • The influence of desires
  • Creating your vision

I hope you enjoy this!

Cheers, Gary