True & Truth

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.


The latest podcast is ready for your listening pleasure! This one focuses on the topic of true and truth.

What would you say your relationship with the truth is? Is it absolute for you, or can you go with the flow and if truth ends up being part of your story, then that’s a bit of a bonus?

A fundamental part of our lives is whether we’re living in truth or some other realm of ‘reality’. There are two main types of truth at play: personal and objective. In this blog, I explain what both are, how discern between them, and how to manage them.

This pod is for you if:

  • You’ve ever had an experience when your truth was different to someone else’s
  • You didn’t know that there was such a thing as personal and objective truth
  • You’ve had a hard time dealing with your own and others’ truths to such a degree that it has caused you hardship

This blog is not for you if:

  • The truth really isn’t that important to you
  • You get by just fine with telling people what you think they want to hear (true or otherwise)
  • You don’t believe there will be anything true in this blog anyway

I believe this topic is important and includes a lot of content, so I have split it into two so as not to overwhelm and overdo it in one pod.

Have a listen and I’d love to hear from you on your experiences with personal and objective truth.

I hope you enjoy this!

