Motivation – 9 Ideas to Enhance Your Experience

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.


The latest podcast is ready for your listening pleasure! This one focuses on the topic of motivation.

This pod is for you if:

  • You wonder what your motivation triggers are
  • You have a fascination in what motivates other people
  • You’ve thought, “Why does motivation appear to be so difficult to understand?

This pod is not for you if:

  • You believe that motivation or demotivation are just mood swings in people
  • You think that motivation is something you can just turn on in a person
  • You can’t sum up the motivation to listen to this topic

I also provide an overview of the Masterclass I completed, ‘Geno Auriemma Teaches Leadership’ that goes into quite some detail about building teams, trust, losing vs getting beat, and other interesting leadership topics.

Have a listen and I’d love to hear from you on your views on motivation and the other content provided.

I hope you enjoy this!

