Goal Setting

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.

This pod covers 2 main things: A book report of John Maxwell’s ‘The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication’, and an overview of Goal Setting, as featured in my blog of the same name. Some key points of communication include:

Laws of Communication:

  • Who says it – Laws 1-3
  • What is said – Laws 4-6
  • How it is said – Laws 7-12
  • When it is said – Laws 13-14
  • Why it is said – Laws 15-16

Goal Setting:

  • Why it is important
  • The benefits
  • When it should take place
  • Who should be involved

6 Key Elements of Goal Setting:

  1. Identify your goals and objectives
  2. Set SMART goals
  3. Decompose the goals
  4. Establish timelines
  5. Create tracking criteria
  6. Communication

I hope you enjoy this!

Cheers, Gary