Disappointment – 5 Steps to Help Refocus

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.

Hello everyone!

The latest podcast is ready for your listening pleasure! This one focuses on how to refocus after you’ve experienced a disappointment.

This pod is for you if:

  • Disappointment is difficult for you
  • You’d like to work through disappointment consistently and efficiently
  • You’d like to understand disappointment in a bit more depth

This pod is not for you if:

  • You don’t have high hopes for anything, therefore don’t get disappointed
  • Think that being disappointed is for the weak
  • You’re disappointed that there’s a podcast dedicated to disappointment

Have a listen and I’d love to hear from you to see how you can refocus more appropriately after experiencing a disappointment.

I also have a call to action for you at the end of this episode – I cannot wait to see what you come up with!

I hope you enjoy this!

