
Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.


The latest pod is ready for your listening pleasure! This one is on consistency.

This pod is for you if:

  • You would like to explore the elements and benefits of consistency at a deeper level
  • You haven’t been able to lock in consistency in areas of your life and have experienced figurative or literal pain as a result
  • You’d like to know what you can do to get on the path to more consistency in areas that matter to you

This pod is not for you if:

  • Who cares about consistency or inconsistency – people just do what they do
  • You believe that good things can come from inconsistency
  • You tried to be consistent one time and it was boring and it didn’t work

We continue our journey with an overview of Consistency, as featured in my blog of the same name. Some key points include:

  • What is consistency?
  • What it isn’t
  • The path to consistency
  • Maintaining consistency
  • Benefits of being consistent
  • Consequences of inconsistency

I hope you enjoy this!

Cheers, Gary