7 Steps to Improve Your Judgment

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.

Hello everyone!

The latest podcast is ready for your listening pleasure! This one focuses on the process and implications of judging and judgment.

This pod is for you if:

  • You have ever judged something
  • You have ever observed someone judge something
  • You’d like to understand judgment, how it works, and how it can impact you

This pod is not for you if:

  • You’ve never judged anything in your life
  • You believe that judging is for the weak
  • You are judging me for creating a podcast about judgment

I also provide an overview of the Masterclass I completed, ‘Malcolm Gladwell Teaches Writing’ that will give you some high-level pointers on writing. Handy information if you think you might have to write anything in your future.

Have a listen and I’d love to hear from you on your views on judgment and the other content provided.

I hope you enjoy this!

