7-Steps to a Successful Career Pivot

Welcome to the very first The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! I’m absolutely delighted to get this one off the ground, and equally as delighted to have you join me!

I’m Gary and I’m a life and leadership coach and my absolute goal with my coaching practice is to help all clients fulfill their underused or untapped potential. Most of us are not operating at our full potential or living our absolute best life, and I have a sneaking suspicion that by the same token, we already know this. Now, here’s the kicker – not living up to our potential is not a failing nor is it not for the want of desire or trying to fit caring for and growing ourselves into our already busy lives. There are just a multitude of very valid and rational reasons as to why we don’t / won’t / can’t invest in ourselves right at this moment, and it’s my mission to help people find out why, find out ‘their why’, and help them remove whatever obstacles are preventing them from living their best lives – and as the title of the pod says helping you become The Best You.

Today’s pod covers, among other things, the 7-steps to a Successful Career Pivot, as featured in my blog of the same name. The 7-steps are:

  1. Assess your skills and interests
  2. Research potential new fields
  3. Build a plan
  4. Network
  5. Develop your personal brand
  6. Be open to new opportunities
  7. Continuously learn and grow

I hope you enjoy this!

Cheers, Gary