Leaving – The Cycle of Transition (and How to Leave Well)

Welcome The Best You – A Coaching Podcast! Thanks for joining me.

This pod covers 2 main things: A book report on Start With Why, and an overview of Leaving – The Cycle of Transition (and How to Leave Well), as featured in my blog of the same name. Some key points of  leaving include:

  • You’ve outgrown your existing position
  • Circumstances have developed where your enjoyment or fulfilment from your existing role has materially changed, not for the better
  • Changing organizational or industry conditions have come in to play
  • The company values no longer align with your core values
  • Leadership and / or team changes have impacted the culture, atmosphere, tone, or other parameters that are meaningful to you
  • Personal circumstances have emerged
  • An urgent need has emerged
  • You’re “invited to leave”

5 Tips to Leaving Well:

  1. Be professional
  2. Give adequate notice
  3. Offer help with the transition
  4. Manage expectations:
    • Complete your work
    • Don’t over-promise
  5. Say goodbye

I hope you enjoy this!

Cheers, Gary