5 Steps to Clear Definitions


Have you ever experienced or been involved in a miscommunication that turned out to be where you and the other party had wholly different definitions of the subject under discussion? Me neither, obviously, but I bet you know someone who has, and that’s why we’ll explore this topic in this blog.

If we can’t clearly define something, how can we expect others to manage or meet our expectations? If everyone involved in an interaction has differing definitions of the subject matter, it can be little wonder why communications can and will break down, leading to unnecessary conflict, stress, or other destructive repercussions.

I was recently progressing a training course through the GrowthDay community that I’m a part of and the topic was overall life fitness. I may provide a review of that sometime down the road, but for now I wanted to focus on a topic Brendan Burchard mentioned in there and it was ‘definition’. It struck such a chord with me as being so basic, so fundamental, so very important, yet so easy to get wrong in how we interact.

In this blog we will walk through the process of clear and appropriate definition to help you avoid potholes in your communications going forward.


What is a Definition

For the purposes of this blog, we are discussing definition in terms of your ability to know and describe a topic, involving a process of clearly outlining and explaining the meaning or boundaries of a concept, idea, or term. It includes providing a precise and (ideally) concise description to ensure understanding and clarity and sets the foundation for effective communication, decision-making, and action.

Dictionary.com describes definition as:

  • the act of defining, or of making something definite, distinct, or clear
  • the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc.
  • the condition of being definite, distinct, or clearly outlined

Further, it goes on to describe define/defining as:

  • to state or set forth the meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.)
  • to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of; describe
  • to fix or lay down clearly and definitely; specify distinctly
  • to determine or fix the boundaries or extent of
  • to make clear the outline or form of
  • to set forth the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.

Topics you will be required to define can and will be wide and varied, and we’ll discuss some examples here. What we are not discussing here is terms such as ‘high definition’ as in broadcasting ranges, levels, or quality. You probably already knew that, but it does no harm to be clear before we dig into the content.

What Defining Is Not

I always like to be clear about what a topic is not to provide you with some boundaries on where I’m coming from. Your experience may be different to mine, and that is ok; this approach at least provides context.

Defining something clearly and in a way that is fully understood is not:

  • Vague or ambiguous: Always look to be specific and explicit
  • Static: Your definition(s) can evolve and adapt as new contexts or information arise
  • Limited to words: It can also involve actions, goals, or values

Consider a time when you were asked to define something. Did you help or hinder your audience by your approach and delivery? Were you able to discern how your definition landed?


Benefits of Defining Well

Ok, so how do we want to be known when it comes to our ability to define a topic to such a degree that it is fully understood, as intended, by the recipient? I’m sure most who read this blog already have a desire for growth and improvement, which is why you’re here. I’m also confident that you want to be known as someone who can define things in such a way that will be informational, helpful, and (where appropriate) actionable. Below are some benefits from defining well:

  • Clarity: Clear and easy to understand
  • Accurate: Reflects the essence or meaning of the concept without distortion
  • Consistent: Across different contexts or applications
  • Relevant: To the purpose or context in which it is used
  • Helpful: Serves a practical purpose and adds value

What other benefits do you enjoy when you have done a good job of defining a subject well?

Drawbacks of Defining Poorly

We could simply change each of the items listed in the section above from a positive to a negative to complete this list, and I would encourage you to do that. I’ll embellish and add a wee bit more here to add weight to the drawbacks you could encounter:

  • Ambiguous: Being too vague, leading to misunderstanding or misinterpretation
  • Inconsistent: Creating confusion and / or conflict
  • Overly complex: Hindering comprehension and practical application
  • Irrelevant: A lack of relevance to the topic or context causes confusion and disengagement

Adding the list above to the converse of the list in the section above; unclear, inaccurate, unhelpful provides a sense of what we are striving to avoid when we’re trying to define something for ourselves or for others.

Examples of Definitions

The list of examples of topics that are meaningful to define can be endless, and I won’t try to define them here. Below is a snapshot of examples with some proposed definitions of what they could mean. The key is to think expansively and answer the questions or considering the statements about what these mean to you, and possibly what they could mean to others. This deeper level of conscious awareness and thinking will serve you well in terms of your ability to communicate more effectively in the future:

Defining Health

  • Fitness: What are your specific fitness goals and exercise routines?
  • Nutrition: What constitutes a balanced and healthy diet?
  • Mental health: Establishing the importance of mental well-being and seeking help when needed
  • Sleep: What does a good sleep mean to you (routine before bed, time to bed, number of hours, etc.). Typically referred to as ‘sleep hygiene’

Defining Wealth

  • Financial goals: What are your short, medium, and long-term financial goals? Why? What are you doing to satisfy these goals?
  • Investing: What are your investment strategies and risk tolerance levels?
  • Debt management: Do you have a plan to manage and reduce your debt to help regain financial stability and work towards financial freedom? If so, what is it?
  • Estate planning: Establishing intention on what your intentions are for your estate, e.g., your will, beneficiary trusts, power of attorney, guardianship, tax planning, etc.
  • Financial freedom: Being explicit about what this means to you

Defining Success

  • Personal development: Establishing what success means on a personal level, and pursuing these
  • Career growth: What are your career objectives, skill development paths, and performance metrics?
  • Relationships: What does success look like in your relationships? This will be different for the different relationships you have

The key is to give this exercise the appropriate time and thought to be able to clearly articulate what it is you want to articulate, which will give you the best opportunity to succeed in delivering on a plan of action. We’ll discuss this in the next section.

5 Steps to Definition Clarity

Defining a topic, simple, complex, or somewhere in between, in a way that is easily understood requires careful consideration and an effective communication strategy. Firstly, of course, you need to understand what it is you’re trying to define. If you can’t clearly understand and articulate it, don’t be hard on others who can’t fully absorb it as intended. Perhaps this is where you have an accountability partner or group that you can test your definition with prior to taking it public. Here are some tips on how to provide greater clarity on your definitions:

  1. Simplify your language: Use clear and straightforward language that is accessible to your target audience. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse; explain complex terms in more simple terms. Consider breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible parts
  2. Provide context and analogies: Relate complex examples to familiar situations or everyday experiences to provide context and aid comprehension. Use analogies or metaphors to illustrate your points. Connecting abstract concepts to concrete examples can make them more tangible
  3. Visual aids and examples: Incorporate visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or pictures to supplement verbal or written explanations, and enhance understanding and retention
  4. Interactive learning tools: Tools such as quizzes, interactive simulations, or multimedia presentations to engage your audience and reinforce their learning. Interactive elements can make learning more dynamic and enjoyable for your audience
  5. Encourage questions and discussion: Fostering an open dialogue with your audience is key. Not only will it be interactive, you and the audience will also benefit by learning from each other

Follow this process and you will be in a much better position to know how clearly you are able to define a topic to yourself and your audience. If going through this process highlights weaknesses or areas of ambiguity, you know where you must focus your attention to ensure the message is delivered and received as intended.

If it is you who is trying to understand something that is being defined to you, consider how much clarity you have, put yourself in the position of the transmitter (of the information) and consider how best you could suggest or promote items from this list to enhance understanding. Good luck!

Coach Gaz Challenge: Consider a goal / aspect of your life that you need to clearly define to another party. Walk through the 5-step process listed above to provide you a deeper level of thinking about how you can clearly define it. As a bonus challenge, walk someone through it to see if they understand it to the level that you intended. I’m open to being your sounding board if you need!

I’m always open to a conversation on your thoughts, opinions, and experiences on this or any topic in the library. Get in touch by subscribing below, or by using the form on the Book Gary of the site.


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