What? A Blog? For Real? Ok…

So here we are, folks – my first ever blog! Cards on the table straight away – admittedly, I’ve never knowingly read a blog in my life. By this, I mean that I’ve never researched a blog or subscribed to one. I believe that I’ve likely read many blog posts over the years, but I’ve never really known that it’s a blog I’m reading, what it is, why I should be interested, and what I should do with the information.

So, why a blog on my site, you’re likely thinking? Yeah, I was wondering that too. Where I landed was that the main criteria I want for this community is to provide meaningful, edutaining, usable content, regularly. That information will be available in two main formats:

  • Blog
  • Podcasts

I’m hoping that producing and publishing content in written and verbal form will work for community preference and convenience. That’s the intention we’ll work from and see how it goes. Over time, I’ll also try to standardize the feel and flow of the content I put out so that you can get comfortable with the type and style of information shared, and how it will flow from beginning to end. For the blogs, I’m thinking it’ll be along the lines of:

  • Title
  • Summary
  • Background
  • Why now…
  • It’s Important Because…
  • Why Write About This…
  • Ok, Now What…

So, what can you expect to read about? Great question. The topics I’m most interested in are in the social sciences side of life; what makes people tick, and how they can unlock even greater potential within themselves. I’ll be writing about subject areas such as:

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Coaching
  • Decision-making
  • Motivation
  • Emotional Intelligence

For my first topic, I did want to hit on a bit of my journey that got me to this spot under the heading of a career pivot. I wasn’t always a coach and didn’t know for the longest time I wanted to be a coach, so I was fascinated to retrace my steps somewhat to get us to this point. Once we get going, take a peek at the content and let me know what you think by subscribing below or contacting me directly through the contacts page.


As we continue to build our community, I will be sharing regular blogs and other topical and educational materials. If you’d like to receive notifications in your inbox when these are posted, please pop your email address in the box provided. You can unsubscribe at any time if you’re not getting what you need.

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